Wednesday, April 3, 2013

OK ladies review time! Tonights review is going to be on stamping plates. I came across cheekys summer collection from last year a few months ago and fell in love! The images are amazing! Monsters, comic phrases, pirates!!! Need I say more a total must have!

I was on my way to order them when hubby stepped in and said no! 25 bucks is to much for your nails, FYI he is cheap too :). So I did what any girl would have done, you guessed it I pouted and cried and said I wouldnt buy any more plates. Well it didn't get me any where he still said no. So alas I was very sad, I mean they are awesom! Who wouldn't be sad? So in my online adventures I came across a set on amazon, gotta love them right? well it was only 13 plates but was only 10 bucks with shipping so I snuck them in.
After a few weeks they came and I was in love, but the monsters were missing and I really like monsters, like alot! Let the online adventures begin I had to find the rest and I did! My fav little spot to order plates is from Aliexpress! Its a wholesale place from china and has tons and tons of sellers and stuff. I love this place for my nail art supplies. I found dups of these plates a set of 12 that was 8 bucks shipped. I got mine from
psst they are on sale right now for 6.79 shipped.
I know what you are thinking, at this point you spent 18$ and don't have all the plates why not spend just a few bucks more and you would have had them all, and my answer to this is.... You are right!! But I could get away with a 10$ order one week and an 8$ order another, and now I can do this review about the dupes for any one that cares. See people there is always an upside to life :)  So before I get on with my review here is a warning for you.... I am new to this. My photos are taken with my Iphone and have not been edited. I am not using my computer that has all the software to do that so these pics are kinda, how do you say not so good but they do work. I also have ordered some supplies to do this kinda thing better like swatches and stuff. I was just soo excited to start my blog that I said what the hey, just do it! So with all that said on to the review!

So after playing with both sets of plates I have to tell you that I am pleased with both of them. The quality of the dupes is actually pretty good. The main differences between the plates is cheekys are round, have a backing and the full nail images are a hair larger. The dupes are octogon in shape and have no backing. Here are the plates that you get from aliexpress link provided above
And of course the plates from amazon.
There are very few duplicate images. But I tested them to compare quality. I used plates D1,D2 and D3 from the dupes and CH54 and Ch55 from cheeky for this review.

Lets get started. Nail polish is sooo much fun! As you can see I do not have any Konad paints or even any High dollar polishes just your cheap every day wet and wild and sinful colors one of them is even my own creation. I have found a little trick in my stamping endevors. If you place some paint in the image scrap wait a few seconds and do it again it makes the paint more pigmented and gives you a darker image. I will be doing a tutorial on this at a later date. So stay tuned for that.
Comparing the plates side by side you can see that the full nail image of the dupe is just a tad smaller but are the same. I have bought dupes in the past that have thick lines and make for detail being lost not so for the most part here.

I tested the dupe plate first.
dont mind my nails I need to redo them in a bad way.

As you can see it gives a nice clear image.

Now for cheeky.

I found that with this image it came out better on the dupe the lines are thinner and it gave a clearer image. I used sinful colors black to stamp all images.

Dupe plate
cheeky plate
As you can see for this image the cheeky plate has more definition and the lines of the dress are more visible there is a shoe that is like this also. So for the smaller images cheeky might be better on a few but not many.

I stamped a bunch of the images on some fake nails and paper  just to give you more of an idea and to compare and let you make up your own mind.

The rings are almost the same no real big diff. Now on to the shoe that I mentioned earlier.

The cheeky shoe has much more detail and is a bit smaller but over all the dupe isn't horrible.
The top image is the dupe and the bottom is the cheeky I dont know why it wont rotate. looks like I got some learning to do. But as you can see they are the same.
Again top images are the dupes and bottoms are cheeky pretty dang close if you ask me.

I have to say for 8 bucks the dupes are a great investment for any nail plate collector. Or for any one that wants to start out and not spend a fortune on plates. The quality is great for .66 a piece. Over all I am very very happy with them. But there are some down sides not many but a few. The major one in shipping time. I think it took about 3 weeks to get the dupes from china, and maybe 8 days for my cheeky ones from amazon. A few of the smaller images have lost the detail the cheeky ones have. And last, and it dosn,t bother me but I know some people cant stand it. Is that there is no backing on the dupe plates.  I would have to give the dupes a 9 out of 10.

As stated I purchesed these plates they were not givin to me to review I just did it to help add info to the community and because I wanted to play with my plates.

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